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Patch 5.0.4 Mudanças da Classe Druid

Novas Magias
Might of Ursoc:(Increases current and maximum health by 30% for 20 sec.  Activates Bear Form) Aumenta os pontos de vida em 30% por 20s. Recarga de 3 min,

Ironbark: The target's skin becomes as tough as Ironwood, reducing all damage taken by 20%.  Lasts 12 sec. Skill defensiva reduz o dano recebido em 20% por 12 sec.Recarga de 2min.
Wild Mushroom: Bloom:  Druidas Resto ganharão mais um heal em área, agora os cogumelos que eram somente de balance podem ser usados para curar em área ao detona-los. 


Astral Communion: O druid ganha 25 de energia tanto solar quanto lunar a cada segundo por 4 sec, uma ótima habilidade paraencher rapidamente a barra de energia entrando no próximo eclipse.

Celestial Alignment: Um novo cooldown de dano para druids balance. Tem recarga de 3 min e aumenta o dano do eclipse em 15%.

Feral: Nada novo para Ferals, apenas algumas alterações habilidades existentes.


Savage Defense: Aumenta a chance de esquivar em 6% por 6s. 1.5 min de cooldown.
Mastery: Nature's Guardian: A nova Maestria do Guardian, aumenta a armadura.

Outras Importantes Mudanças

Pulverize foi removido.
Demoralizing Roar foi removido.
Challenging Roar foi removido
Insect Swarm foi removido

Mastery: Harmony  agora dura 20 segundos, antes durava 10.
Lifebloom : Duração aumentade de 10s para 15s.

Tiger's Fury não aumentará a energia máxima, mas restaura 60 de energia.
Mangle agora não aplica o aumento de dano quando o alvo estiver sangrando, agora vai aplicar um debuff que diminui a velocidade do alvo.
Thrashagora pode ser usado na forma de gato.

Frenzied Regeneration agora converte Rage em Vida. Um cooldown de heal para os druid guardians.
Mangle não custa mais rage agora regenera 5 de rage.
Thrash, Lacerate, and Swipe não custam mais rage.
Thrash, Lacerate, and Faerie Fire agora tem a chance de 25% de resetar o cooldown de Mangle's cooldown.
Thick Hide, reduz o dano mágico em 25% na forma de urso, além de aumentar a armadura

Moonfire and  Sunfire  estão disponíveis em ambos os eclipses.
Eclipse agora garante 15% de spell imediatamente e restaura 35% de mana.


General Majors

Glyph of Rebirth: Jogadores ressuscitados pelo feitiço retornam com 100% de HP(Vida).

Glyph of Innervate: Quando lançado num aliado o lançador ganha 10% da mana máxima em 10s,

Glyph of Stampeding Roar: Increases the radius of Stampeding Roar by 30 yards.

Glyph of Stampede: You can now cast Stampeding Roar without being in Bear Form or Cat Form.

Glyph of Cat Form: Increases healing done to you by 20% while in Cat Form.

Glyph of Faerie Fire: Increases the range of your Faerie Fire by 10 yds.

Glyph of Barkskin: Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by 25% while Barkskin is active.

Glyph of Cyclone: Increases the range of your Cyclone spell by 4 yards.

Glyph of Master Shapeshifter: Reduces the mana cost of all shapeshifts by 90%.

Glyph of Dash: Reduces the cooldown of your Dash ability by 60 sec.

Glyph of Entangling Roots: Reduces the cast time of your Entangling Roots by 0.2 sec.

Glyph of Nature's Grasp: Reduces the cooldown of Nature's Grasp by 30 sec.

Glyph of Skull Bash: Increases the duration of your Skull Bash interrupt by 4 sec, but increases the cooldown by 10 sec.

Glyph of Hurricane: Your Hurricane and Astral Storm abilities now also slow the movement speed of their victims by 50%.

Glyph of Prowl: Reduces the movement penalty of Prowl by 30%.


Glyph of Healing Touch: When you cast Healing Touch, the cooldown on your Swiftmend is reduced by 1 sec.

Glyph of Lifebloom: Casting Lifebloom on a new target grants that target as many applications as the old target had. This effect will not occur while in Tree of Life Form, or when Lifebloom has less than 2 sec remaining.

Glyph of Rejuvenation: When you have Rejuvenation active on three or more targets, the cast time of your Nourish spell is reduced by 30%.

Glyph of Wild Growth: Wild Growth can affect 1 additional target, but its cooldown is increased by 2 sec.

Glyph of Blooming:Increases the bloom heal of your Lifebloom when it expires by 50%, but its duration is reduced by 5 sec and your Healing Touch, Nourish, and Regrowth abilities no longer refresh the duration.

Glyph of Regrowth: Increases the critical strike chance of your Regrowth by 40%, but removes the periodic component of the spell.


Glyph of the Moonbeast: You can now cast Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Rebirth, and Tranquility without cancelling Moonkin Form.

Glyph of Solar Beam: Increases the duration of your Solar Beam silence effect by 5 sec.


Glyph of Savagery: Savage Roar can now be used with 0 combo points, resulting in a 12 sec duration.

Glyph of Shred: While Berserk or Tiger's Fury is active, Shred has no positional requirement.

Glyph of Ferocious Bite: Your Ferocious Bite ability heals you for 1% of your maximum health for each 10 Energy used.

Glyph of Pounce: Increases the range of your Pounce by 3 yards.

Glyph of Maul: Your Maul ability now hits 1 additional target for 50% damage.


Glyph of Might of Ursoc: Increases the health gain from Might of Ursoc by 20%, but increases the cooldown by 2 min.

Glyph of Frenzied Regeneration: For 6 sec after activating Frenzied Regeneration, healing effects on you are 40% more powerful. However, your Frenzied Regeneration now always costs 60 Rage and no longer converts Rage into health.

Glyph of Survival Instincts: Reduces the cooldown of Survival Instincts by 60 sec, but reduces its duration by 50%.

Glyph of Fae Silence: Faerie Fire used in Bear Form also silences the target for 3 sec, but triggers a 15 sec cooldown.


Glyph of the Cheetah: Your Travel Form appears as a Cheetah. This glyph will prevent Glyph of the Stag from functioning.

Glyph of the Treant: Teaches you the ability Treant Form.

Glyph of the Predator: Your Track Humanoids ability now also tracks beasts.

Glyph of Stars: Your Moonkin Form now appears as Astral Form, conferring all the same benefits, but appearing as an astrally enhanced version of your normal humanoid form.

Glyph of Charm Woodland Creature: Allows the Druid to befriend an ambient creature, which will follow the Druid for 60 min.

Glyph of the Chameleon: Each time you shapeshift into Cat Form or Bear Form, your shapeshifted form will have a random hair color.

Glyph of Grace: Feline Grace reduces falling damage even while not in Cat Form.

Glyph of Aquatic Form: Increases your swim speed by 50% while in Aquatic Form.

Glyph of the Orca: Your Aquatic Form now appears as an Orca.

Glyph of the Stag: Your Travel Form can now be used as a mount by party members. This glyph is disabled while Glyph of the Cheetah is active.


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